
Tutorial ArcGis: Manage Catalog of Data PART 3



Chapter 2: Manage Catalog of Data PART 3

Tutorial ArcGis: Manage Catalog of Data PART3
Tutorial ArcGIS: Manage Catalog of Data PART3

the catalog option

defines the types of data displayed

The catalog displays different data formats. These formats correspond to different types of
files. You can control the file formats to display in the Catalog tree.
 For this, you must run the command Tools> Options.
The tab General allows you to select file types to be displayed in the catalog among those predefined ArcCatalog (shapefiles, coverages, raster data, layer files, ...) or amongst those user-specified (AML, Avenue, Word, Excel, ...) in the tab File Types.

the types of files visible in the catalog

View other types of files in the catalog:
The tab File types the command Tools> Options to specify new types of files for display in the catalog.
For example, you might ask displaying files ArcView ™ 3.2 projects (APR files). For this, you click the New Type to define the file extension, the description of the type of file and the icon to associate with these files.

You can add as many file types as you want. When the file type is associated with an application (eg Microsoft Word for * .doc files), this association is kept in ArcCatalog ™. Thus, you can double-click the file in your catalog open it in the corresponding application.

Access Internet data

Access Internet data:
The data published via the Internet by an ArcIMS server are accessible from ArcGIS applications.
To connect to an Internet server, you must use the command Internet Servers> Add an Internet server located in the catalog.
This command then specifies the server's IP address (URL) and select Card Services (vector or raster) you want to access.
 Each service corresponds to a set of layers which can then be loaded and used in ArcCatalog and ArcMap applications.

use data from the geography network

Geography Network is a global cooperative infrastructure where public and private users, producers data, and service providers come together to set up the first library World geographical data and services. It relies on the Internet to deliver content Geographical through simple browsers or through more sophisticated tools such as GIS.
This content may be broadcasted in several forms through structured data, maps, or services concerning route computing applications, search the nearest service, Address geocoding for example. Geography Network is a public user community and also deprived of any size who want to share with as many information in their possession.
The main vocation of Geography Network is the sharing of geographic information.
Map Services
When using a Map Service, you can access the latest version of the online map available on the server.
 It has defined a particular subject and geographical coverage that you view through your internet browser, ArcExplorer, or as a layer in ArcMap.
The Map Data Services may contain one or more layers of information, which may refer they-even at sub-layers.
There are two types of Map Services: "Map Service - Picture" and "Map Services -. The feature "In the first case, only one image in JPEG, GIF or PNG is returned The Services refer vector maps layers of information accessible only if you have a Java applet or an application such as ArcExplorer, ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo.
The Geography Network Browser
This browser is the first tool allowing you to search, view and download the information Geographic. The Geography Network Browser consists of a search area and by subject a research area overview.
The topic search field allows you to access geographic services organized by the topic.
It is used to search for Map Services data files or images about an area's particular geographic.
The search box provides you with overview information on Map Services and an overview of data available allowing you to interact with your data.

Search for data in the catalog

Search for data in the catalog:

A data catalog may contain a large number of data sources and connections to local or remote databases.
To retrieve data quickly into your catalog you can use the search tools.
This tool allows users to find the data sources Catalog specifying the name (or partial name) of the data source, format, extent Geographic or creation date or update. You can also search in using information stored in the metadata (author, title, subject, ...).
The data sources that match the search criteria are displayed (as shortcuts) in the section Search Results.
To access the directory or geodatabase where located data source, you can call on the shortcut menu and then execute the command Go to the source.

Using a geographical criterion:

You can add to your search criterion based on a geographic area. For example, you can search the data available on a specific geographic area (county, region, common, any zone, ...).
For this, you need to place yourself in the tab Geography window of research.
You will then choose the option Use a geographical constraint for research. Then simply choose the desired base map (its coordinate system must be filled), draw the search box, and select the option space research (including data or data superimposed).
Note: Only data sources whose coordinate system is informed can be found with a criterion Geographic. Load another base map Managing the data catalog

Tutorial ArcGIS: Chow Data PART1

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