
Tutorial ArcGIS: Chow Data PART 3



Chapter 3: Chow Data PART 3

Tutorial ArcGIS: Chow Data PART 3
Tutorial ArcGIS: Chow Data PART 3

Classify data

Classify data spreads the attribute values of a layer in different beach values.
Choose a method of classification can greatly affect data interpretation. It is, therefore, necessary to always choose the most suitable method for the message you want to convey on your card.

There are different classification methods:

- Natural breaks
The method identifies the natural breakpoints of separation between the values to be displayed and creates classes by establishing limits to each rupture rate observed in the statistical series.
- Equal intervals
The Statistics series is divided into intervals of equal magnitude. The size of the gap is dependent on the number of classes.

- Defined amplitude Intervals
This method is similar to that equal intervals except that here it is for the user to set the size of the gap. You do not have to define the number of classes since it depends on the size of the interval you set.

Classification methods (continued)

- Equal Staff
Values are divided so as to obtain the same number of entities in each class.
- Standard Deviation
The standard deviation expresses the difference between the values of an attribute and the mean value.
- Manual
The user defines himself terminals classes. 
So you are free to define the number of classes you want the limits terminals ...
Histogram classification
ArcMap displays a histogram classification allowing you to view each class change Classification by creating new terminals, removing or modifying certain limits gaps values.

Label entities

Label Features

Label features in a map allow the reader to quickly identify the objects that represented an easier interpretation of the map.
Add labels to map
In ArcMap, it is possible to label features in a layer by assigning the value of attributes or text entered interactively.
Select which entities labeled choose a location and labels set Scale labels the beach can have a significant impact on the accuracy of the interpretation of the card by the user.
The label position varies depending on the font used, the size of the display scale, and the number of labels you want to place. 
To help you in this task, ArcMap provides tools to control the font, size, color, scale, and selected entities other text properties.

Scale range

  • It is possible to define the properties of a layer to only view the entities from a certain scale.
  • Display specific layers to Improve the readability of a map/Reduce the display time
You can view the properties of the layer so as to display the features in the layer only From a certain scale factor.
Display specific layers
Zoom on your data changes the map display scale. 
The fact of controlling the display of a layer by specifying a precise level ensures the clarity and readability of a map.
Two methods are available:
- Using the right mouse click on the layer name, select from the context menu control of scale range, and select the Set minimum or maximum scale Set scale.
- In the box of the Layer Properties, select the General tab and select the range of scale

Layer symbology in ArcMap

The symbology applied to the entities of your layers greatly affects how your card is
 Learn how to display your data clearly and effectively helps you to interpret your data.
A wide variety of palettes, colors, and symbols
Although ArcMap offers a wide variety of symbols and colors, it is important to remember the limitations imposed by our oe. oe  The human eye is able to distinguish 20 different colors or 7 to 8 colors in a map.

Styles of symbols

  • Choice of many or standard styles Use your own styles
  • Two styles :symbols/default.
The styles symbols
ArcMap offers two standard styles of default symbols: ESRI and all symbols you have set your profile.
To access these styles, select from the menu Tools the command Styles and the Style Manager.
The available symbols appear you can here define the style you want to use, import new styles, or create your own styles.

Tutorial ArcGIS: Update Data

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