
What is Geomatics? / Geomatics


What is Geomatics? / Geomatics
What is Geomatics? / Geomatics

What is Geomatics? / Geomatics

What is geomatics?

Nowadays, with the advent of information technology, the processing of geographical information has been completely disrupted! First, the mapping production process became automated, moving from the traditional tabletop drawing method to computer-aided drawing.

Thus, geographic information on a digital map is translated into points, lines or polygons to which descriptive databases are attached, giving additional information on each of the elements. The information fields of the descriptive database allow selections or classifications to be made for specific spatial mapping or analysis...

Today we are talking about geomatics. Geomatics is a relatively new discipline that integrates computer technologies with earth sciences. It is no more and no less than modern geography!

Previously reserved for specialists, it is now accessible to many users working in different sectors of economic activity. Geomatics not only provides representations of the elements and natural phenomena, but it also allows the representation of infrastructure and human, social and economic activities.


Geomatics Sciences

To provide specialists and managers with a quality geomatics product that includes accurate and up-to-date data, several sciences are used.

  • Geodesy

studies the shape and dimensions of the Earth, as well as the location of points on its surface. Geodesy is used at the beginning of mapping, remote sensing, civil engineering, land or space navigation. It ensures the positioning of the geographical databases necessary for geographical information systems.

  • Topometry 

makes it possible to collect and record angle and distance measurements in the field.

  • Photogrammetry

 uses aerial photographs to interpret, position and measure visible topographic details.

  • A survey

 determines the position and boundary of a property, building or administrative territory based on an analysis of previous titles, laws, regulations, and surveys. The operation may include the creation of an official territorial designation and the establishment of ground markers, in order, among other things, to reconstitute at any time the perimeter of the land or territory concerned.

  • Remote sensing

collects information on a ground target by analyzing and interpreting images captured from platforms such as satellites.

  • Mapping

allows the geographical representation of the natural and artificial elements of territory in a terrestrial coordinate system.


Why use geomatics?

Over the years, geomatics has become an essential management tool. The Government has several management systems developed from geomatics databases.

The Geographic Information System for Electoral Representation allows the Chief Electoral Officer to make quick decisions on the delimitation of territorial electoral units. It can thus produce different hypotheses by integrating Statistics Canada census data. This example of an application for redistributing territory shows, in black, the boundaries of the 1992 electoral districts and in colored ranges, the grouping of polling subdivisions according to a new delimitation, namely the 2001 electoral districts

Thanks to the implementation of these tools for knowledge of the territory, transportation, and natural resources, managers have new geographic information systems that facilitate decision-making.

Do geomatics!

In order to familiarize yourself with geomatics and help you better understand its various applications, this section provides you with a simulation.

You must use data to solve a social problem, namely the delimitation of electoral districts within a municipality, using Quebec software designed for this purpose. You will be able to see how geomatics can help a project manager make decisions

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